My Patient Rights can help guide you in resolving issues so you can get the health care you deserve.
The first thing you need to do is file a complaint with your health plan. To file a complaint and appeal, follow the steps below and read this brochure outlining the health plan review process and timelines.
Below are links to the complaint forms for Colorado’s top health plans:
You have the right to file a complaint with the Colorado Division of Insurance (DOI) if you have a problem getting the services you need, including quality and affordable health care. To file a complaint you must first file an appeal with your health plan.
The Chronic Care Collaborative (CCC) is the guiding voice, made up of 34 leading, voluntary health organizations within Colorado, whose main purpose is to advocate, inform, and educate regarding health policy issues that affect people living with a chronic disease. The CCC influences policy, shares information, promotes prevention and wellness, and provides a forum that ultimately benefits people living in Colorado.
In addition, to filing a complaint with the Colorado Division of Insurance, we encourage you to share your story. Both actions will help the CCC advocate to improve access to health care for all people in Colorado, especially the one in four Coloradans living with a chronic condition.
For additional assistance, information, or Colorado specific resources, please check the CCC’s website:
My Patient Rights can help guide you in resolving issues so you can get the health care you deserve.
Find answers to commonly asked questions.
State and federal law protects your rights. When you sign up for a health plan and/or if you have problems accessing care through your health plan, it is important to know your rights.