Take control of your health care by becoming your own best advocate. Find information and resources to learn how to make your health insurance work for you so you can live your life to the fullest.
Take Action »Take control of your health care by becoming your own best advocate. Find information and resources to learn how to make your health insurance work for you so you can live your life to the fullest.
Take Action »Have you been denied access to the care you need? Start the appeal process by filing a complaint with your health plan and state agency. Follow these steps to start the appeal process in your state. (Process may vary by state.)
Get Started »Por: Angela Haupt, TIME Magazine Para la versión original en inglés, haga clic aquí. Liz Helms todavía recuerda la forma en que la miró su médico hace 30 años, cuando…
Read MoreOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marking a time for advocates all over the country to participate in fundraisers, campaigns, festivals and walks/runs to show their support for those living…
Read MoreLiz Helms, President and CEO of the California Chronic Care Coalition was recently featured in TIME Magazine! Angela Haupt, Health & Wellness Editor, interviewed Helms for her story 6 Things…
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